Procrastination is that thing that I know I should do. But the time is not quite right. I just don’t feel like it. Maybe tomorrow? Tomorrow comes and I’m still not in the mood. Days pass, weeks pass, months pass…….

Then, I finally do that thing that I procrastinated so long on. And I realize it was easy! It feels great to be done! I thought it would be so hard or boring.

After it is done, I wonder why I ever put that thing off in the first place. All that guilt was for nothing. It could have been done and over; but I dragged it out for a long time. I’ve decided I’m not going to procrastinate anymore! And I’m going to start first thing tomorrow.

Seriously! I do try to make procrastination go away! I’ll bring out my plans and my schedules, and make no room for it. But it sneaks in! Procrastination is sneaky and unrelenting! If you don’t watch out it will take over everything!

The hardest thing to come to terms with, is that there is no magic procrastination fairy! No matter how hard I wish… all the things procrastinated are still there! Waiting…..

It only gets done if you do it!

Waiting …. for me!

I tackle each item on my To Do List. I must…. I must…. I must…. persist.

So long procrastination!

Sharing is caring!

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