Living a life with no regrets takes the courage and boldness to do all the things you dream about. Some things you may fail at, some you may succeed at. But you’ll know! You won’t live life wondering and regretting not trying.

Regret can also mean that you wish that something didn’t happen or that you wished you had made a different choice. Like I regretted dating that person, I regret quitting that job, or I regret moving to that place.
Regret often means we wish we hadn’t made a choice or decision that led us to making a mistake or caused us pain. But life is not perfect! We make mistakes and there will be some pain. It’s how we learn! The mistakes and pain we’ve had in our lives is what makes us who we are today. It’s part of our life education and growing as a person.

Although, regret doesn’t have to be negative. It can be used to make better choices or live in a better way, or to reach for your dreams. Regretting yesterday can make for a better today, and ultimately a better future.